Reflecting on the world around us...

There is something about getting away, putting yourself in a different context, and giving yourself some time to regain perspective — as well as reflect and reenergize. This is not something new and you’ve probably heard it before, but if you are like me, you may think about it much more than actually doing it.


It also offers the opportunity to read on the plane if you are so inclined, and in my case, I read a book called Secrets of the Amazon by Barbara Gray; the book looks at the current disruptors in the marketplace such as Amazon, Tesla, and Uber. The book was lent to me by a friend who thought I would like it because I’m fascinated with disruptors, somewhat of a contrarian, and I’m always trying to stay on top of how we are doing things “differently”.

I was a bit flattered by the recognition, and I suppose after leaving a corporate setting, I have gravitated to a more entrepreneurial spirit, become involved with start-ups, invested in new technologies, blogged a fair bit, and have shifted my definitions of work, business, success, and professional growth. And I have only just started.

The book focused specifically on the change and disruption in the retail and transportation industries, as well as how we are utilizing physical space differently — it didn’t even touch on how we are augmenting our reality with VR/AR, literally changing the human condition with genetic tools such as CRISPR/Cas, how we manage our commerce, how we connect (let alone deal with the massive volume of information and its accuracy), et cetera, et cetera, It has become a very dynamic environment to survive and thrive in, and I mean this both literally and figuratively.

As I read, and reflected on what I read, I found myself writing five points for consideration on an Air Canada napkin. It was a framework of thinking and for understanding what is happening — why it is happening, and how to deal with the problems, challenges and OPPORTUNITIES that present themselves. How I will actually work these into my thinking going forward I am not sure but I know they are relevant with regards to our participation in what’s going on. And participate we must.

  1. People are lazy — we want the most for the least amount of effort. Genetically, and from a survival perspective, it makes sense. It is not a reflection of anything, it just is.

  2. We want what we want — some of what we want we need, and some of what we want we just want. Tools have made us the apex predator on the planet, and we continue to acquire them whether we need them or not.

  3. We need connection — we need to connect with people for our very survival. We are a social species.

  4. As people, we are valuable — philosophically and commercially our lifetime value is worth quite a bit; probably incalculable when you consider social contribution, commercial contribution, and emotional contribution.

  5. Life is hard — yes it’s harder for some, but in general, life is a difficult endeavour all around.

These may ultimately be just the scribbles that came from a long flight, but then again, I may use them as a mental list when I listen to someone pitch their latest idea.


PS — The Yukon is a magical place and the air is very, very fresh.