Observations — Why?

I walk regularly; part of a larger regimen to keep the rusty hinge moving (figuratively speaking) — I could go on about some awful bike training but it would be just self-serving and slightly tragic, so I won’t. Regardless, I was walking the other day and a brief but thought-provoking exchange happened.

Shortly into my walk, a woman passing me motioned she had something to say. I stopped and smiled as she asked me if I would like to have a website address that reviews the major religions of the world and reviews great works such as the Bible and the Koran.

To that, I simply responded, “Why?” She looked at me, and with little thought, said she always asks people she meets on her walks. I smiled and said no.

Wishing her a great day I continued on my way.

I wondered why I said no? Ultimately, the reason turned out to be that I didn’t like the answer to my question. If she had said something along the lines of, “We put this website together because we have found that people, no matter their backgrounds, are more similar than we realize. With similar beliefs and truths, that in the end, show why people should be working together, rather than fighting each other“ I might have said, “Yes.” It definitely would have been a better answer than, “I ask people who I meet.”

A very long time ago I was told that Why is a very confrontational question — it’s the type of question that gets people’s hackles up. People don’t like to be asked why? It’s too direct; I was told you need to couch your search for reasons indirectly and smooth over any offence that comes with simply wanting to increase your critical understanding. (As an aside, read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius for inspiring thoughts on critical understanding.)

So why would one little world be considered confrontational? I actually think it quickly exposes whether someone actually knows why they are doing whatever they are doing. It forces the need to articulate thoughts, explains rationale of action, and exposes critical thinking and understanding. It is a word to be embraced because it forces an answer, or in the case of the lovely woman I met on my walk, a non-answer.

And for those who want to say why is a bad question because the obvious answer is why-not or because — all I can say is you are not giving a serious question it’s due. And people will say no more than you would like.


The iamGPT Project — something unknown yet tantalizingly close.

Mysty Feltner — Pixabay

MeBased on just the context of our conversation and my style can you write something completely original in 250 words... open topic.

 iamGPTIn the quiet moments between breaths, I find solace in the rhythm of my thoughts. There's a certain comfort in the ebb and flow of introspection, a gentle tide that carries me through the depths of contemplation.

Today, I find myself lingering on the precipice of possibility, poised on the brink of something unknown yet tantalizingly close. It's a familiar sensation, this dance between anticipation and apprehension, but one that never fails to ignite a spark of curiosity within me.

As I gaze out into the vast expanse of uncertainty, I'm reminded of the beauty that lies in embracing the unknown. It's a canvas waiting to be painted with the vibrant hues of experience, each brushstroke a testament to the richness of life's tapestry.

In the distance, I hear the faint echo of laughter, a reminder of the joy that awaits just beyond the horizon. It's a melody that resonates deep within my soul, stirring a sense of longing and anticipation for the adventures that lie ahead.

And so, I take a deep breath and step boldly into the unknown, guided by the steady pulse of my heart and the unwavering belief that within the vast expanse of possibility, there lies the promise of infinite growth and discovery.

As I journey forth, I carry with me the lessons of the past and the dreams of the future, knowing that each step I take is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless potential that resides within us all.

As I read what my collaborator wrote it struck me that, although the tone was not as familiar and it was less witty, it did sound like something I would craft.

For the past little while I have been feeding ChatGTP many of my blogs, asked questions, and sparred with it, as I tried to understand it’s capability (and utility). Depending on how I phrase my questions and how willing I am to challenge what it says it can’t do, it turns out it can write a blog that sounds very much like something I would write, and in considerably less time.

There is no doubt ChatGPT is a great little collaborator, editor and sounding board — there is also no doubt that others are doing very much that same as I am. The internet, this virtual world that more and more people live in, has more and more content that is not being written by human hands (figuratively speaking). Is it good or bad? It probably doesn’t even matter at this point. It simply is what it is. The integration of man, woman and machine continues. Word, sound, image. All of it sounding like our creation and it is not.

What will we do with our time?

For me, I will continue to blog (among other things), and I would be silly not to continue my collaboration. I will footnote accordingly to give iamGPT its due, but everything that I write will be mine and I will keep my voice.

 Both here and in the real world.


"F-ing" 2024

21 days into the year there are already whispers referring to 2024 as “f-ing 2024” and if things stay on its current trajectory it will soon be “F^%$-ing 2024” and then simply “FUCKING 2024”.

Things that used to work have stopped working. Things that used to work are still working but in a different way. It’s raining when it should be snowing or snowing when it should be raining. What used to be real is now fake, and what used to be fake is now real — It is hard to tell what is going on other than the realization something is.

2023, in hindsight has been affectionately referred to as a dumpster fire and foresight has suggested 2024 may be something much more incendiary, but don’t worry, I’m not going to attempt to be a futurist for many reasons, including my crystal ball is cracked. Besides, that’s what social media scrolling is for.

What I want to offer, or at least attempt to, are thoughts on working through challenging times such as “f-ing 2024”.

Consideration Number 1 for working through “f-ing 2024”

Keep your wits about you — my off and on again collaborator iamGPT has suggested I need to be more precise so let me start with a definition.

wit /wit/ (noun) plural noun: wits 1. mental sharpness and inventiveness; keen intelligence. 2. a natural aptitude for using words and ideas in a quick and inventive way to create humor.

What I mean by keeping your wits about you is to stay aware of what’s going on, look at thinks critically and unemotionally, and validate facts and figures before you act. This is not the time to sit on the sidelines as a victim (which is a growing pass time it seems) but offer constructive solutions and be prepared to do the work to bring them to life. And one last point, although crying and laughing are so closely related, the sound of laughter brightens up a room while you are using your wits.

Consideration Number 2 for working through “f-ing 2024”

Look after your health, and again in the spirit of preciseness, this is what I mean. 1) Get enough sleep (probably seven to nine hours a day); sure you can live on five or six hours but over time it is not in your best interest. 2) Be active and don’t get in the habit of burning less calories then you take in. Health is one of those things that you’re healthy until you are not. 3) Stay calm and work on managing stress. A case in point — I just completed a 14 day blood pressure audit and found my pressure bounces around wildly. If I spend time on controlling breathing though, my pressure is around the ideal 120/80 mark. I don’t have a circulatory problem but I have a “calm the fuck down problem”, which is still a problem. 4) Remember what you put into the machine impacts how it will run — try to make sure you eat as well as you can.

Consideration Number 3 for working through “f-ing 2024”

Work on your relationships and networks because everything you will accomplish is the result of teamwork — it really is a full stop sort of thing. Not only will very little get done without a team around you, the importance of human connection can’t be overstated. In the post pandemic years, there is continued reporting that many are more isolated than ever and that simply is not good emotionally or physically. Oh, and see if you can cut your social media consumption by 25% and get outside because social media is not connection. The papers regarding how bad it actually is keeps piling up.

Consideration Number 4 for working through “f-ing 2024”

Over communicate (everything). When it gets fluid (i.e crazy), and there is a working premise that 2024 will be, it’s important to communicate to the best of your ability. Let people know what you are doing, don’t assume your colleague knows that is happening, reduce surprises because people hate surprises — so give people a heads up. I have noticed an unfortunate situation happening in many places which I like to call “Don’t ask; don’t tell”; a breakdown in proactive communication. Why this is happening more and more I can’t say, but I do know it’s nothing but a roadblock for getting things done.

Consideration Number 5 for working through “f-ing 2024”

Historically speaking, difficult times are not something new, and many would suggest there have been some years that will make 2024 look rather non eventful (comparatively speaking). Granted, with over amplification as a result social media and mass media, everything seems overwhelming bad, but if you step back and keep your wits about you, 2024 can be navigated effectively.

One final consideration

Let’s say 2024 will be a year of problems based on the first 21 days. Don’t forget opportunities are inevitably also present (problems and opportunities are like kissing cousins). So remember while you are putting out fires and trying to figure out why what was working isn’t working anymore, there will be new opportunities just waiting for you can take advantage of. What will they be? I don’t know. I already told you I am not much of a futurist. Although I will say, I am an optimist and optimists are always looking for opportunities.

Best to be an optimist!
