Moments — Dwell on the beauty...


“Dwell on the beauty of Life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”

If the Internet is to be believed this quote and insight is from Marcus Aurelius who was one of the better Roman Emperors that I’ve read about (he was the last of what is known as the Five Good Emperors). When I first read this quote I simply assumed its author was a contemporary “new age philosopher” using memes to develop a following. I was taken aback a little by the fact that it originated on the streets of Rome eighteen hundred years ago.

A modern day bias to be sure, or maybe something that has always come with those generations that happen to occupy the top of the food chain at that moment in time “we are the most civilized, most knowledgeable, and the most enlightened… ever!” I will also admit hearing the name Marcus Aurelius doesn’t conjure up images of a man who pursued philosophical or motivational musings — another obvious bias on my part. It leaves me humbled to know I’m biased and misinformed, with just a little splash of arrogance for taste — although I am hoping there is some redemption that comes with this recognition. As emperor of what was arguably the largest empire in the known world at the time, and with a devastating war machine at his disposal, I wonder if Marcus Aurelius suffered from this same bias.

“Life is harshly beautiful” is something very meme worthy that a couple of “new age philosophy students"* came up with a while ago and something I think a man like Marcus Aurelius would understand intimately — at one moment embracing the love of his family and in another unleashing the dogs of war. There is little doubt he was intimate with what the four horsemen of the apocalypse can accomplish, and with it, a deep understanding of life’s beauty needed to balance the scales.

The more I think about it, it makes sense this quote came from Marcus Aurelius — he would have been in a very good position to offer insights into what’s important in life and what real beauty is.


* we still haven’t gotten around to creating any memes.

Insights from an unexpected life coach...

At this time of year you would be hard pressed to find anyone in Canada who hasn’t started to think about winter…

I’ll be shameless and will say, “winter is coming” — and with the approaching season, we also find ourselves thinking about hockey. We watch it, we play it, and some literally live it … it’s a national sport after all.


Hockey is a game I wasn’t particularly good at, haven’t played for years, and as a fan, not interested in anymore — probably because (as I said) I wasn’t very good at it. Interestingly enough though, I found myself at a hockey complex the other day (where I sometimes train) and was drawn to a hockey practice. A group of young players who were down on one knee listening to their coach.

I was inspired.

A coach’s passion offered insight into something much bigger than just hockey —

  • Have a strong body.

  • Have a strong mind.

  • Work very hard.

  • Someone will always be watching — use any feedback to be better.

  • Do something — it is better than doing nothing.

DO something… it is better than doing “nothing”

  • Take that trip.

  • Take the CFO gig.

  • Quit that job and travel the world.

  • Build that house.

  • Be that lover.

  • Propose to that girl.

  • Start that company.

  • Be who you want to be.

  • Take that job, although you are scared “shitless”

  • Do something for fuck sake,

How you interpret this is up to you… all I ask is that you do something.


Moments — over in the blink of an eye

At its very best it would have been a horrific accident resulting in catastrophic injury — and at its worst, well...


The four-day forecast was as follows — twelve degrees Celsius with rain; eleven degrees Celsius with rain; six degrees with sunny periods; two degrees Celsius with rain. In the part of the world where I live the temperature in February should be minus fifteen degrees Celsius on a warm day. Weather as abnormal as this definitely changes your plans about going snowboarding for the day; it instead has you spending an evening with friends (good food, wine, and conversation) and then heading back to the city early the next day (once you've confirmed it's gonna rain some more).

Man-made or not — the weather she is a changin'.

With little traffic on the road I was making good time, and as I came over a rise I lost control of the car — there was a real possibility I was going to spin into the oncoming lane and flip the car into the ditch. I did regain control of the car (as well as my composure) and continued on my way. My only explanation for what happened was I hit a patch of black ice that had formed because of the rain and near freezing temperatures.

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

As I drove on (a little slower I might add) I thought of a conversation we had the night before about our plans for the year; as I reflected on the conversation I became just a little melancholy over the lack of imagination on my part. I had been reminded this is all so very fragile, so the least I could do is be a little more imaginative with what I do.


PS: Thank you KW for the hospitality.